What You Should NEVER Say To A Guy

Who cares if you have controversial opinions or a quirky sense of humor? Just say what you’re thinking! Guys are tough…guys can take it! After all they’re just words.

YEAH RIGHT. Guys are, without a doubt, the most sensitive, begrudging and cautious mammals on the planet!

Your guy may pride himself on being open-minded, non-judgmental and with a perverted sense of humor. BUT…there’s a chance he is also super sensitive about certain subjects.

And a woman who doesn’t understand what these “sacred man things” are, may be surprised when a guy she was interested in before totally drops off the face of the earth after one of these bad exchanges. Or breaks up with her. Or cheats on her. All sorts of negative behavior.

Who knew that men were so sensitive? Well, we are. And in order to avoid future conflict, I’m going to explain to you right now the five things you should NEVER say to a guy.

Remember these for the future, and believe me, no matter what the guy says, he is NOT going to be cool if you say any of the following things, even if you’re just joking around or being “honest with each other”.

1. “Well my ex did it and he’s happier for it!”

There is just no reasonable conversation that can happen after you compare your current boyfriend to your ex-boyfriend. Even if you’re dating a girl for the first time, talking about your ex is a major red flag that you’re going to be trouble. Men really do despise everything about your “ex” – and the only context in which they’re OK discussing him is if you tell them how much better you are in every way.

Because the moment you start discussing anything positive about your ex, or compare him to your ex, or even just call your guy by the ex’s name, the conversation is going to go “full emo.” There’s no way out of it anymore that doesn’t end with an explosion. Avoid discussing the ex in general, and if he insists on knowing just describe the negatives.

Exes really are a conversation you should have with your therapist, mom, or female friend. Guys are an almost impossible audience for this topic.


2. “Maybe you’re just not that good of a ____! It’s OK, I love you anyway!”

Let me just tell you now, the second sentence is mostly irrelevant. A man prides himself on being something and something specific. Whether he’s an artist, a sports hero, a great mechanic, an awesome father, a genius businessman, a preacher man, a charity giver, a movie critic, or a martial arts expert, this is his legacy. If he’s not this certain thing he’s nothing. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you support him in his mission and that you BELIEVE IN HIM.

Because the moment he senses you’ve given up on him, the whole relationship is really doomed. He doesn’t feel your attraction anymore and he doesn’t feel the same attraction for you. Men are very sensitive about their careers, hobbies and personal accomplishments. Suggesting that they’ve failed or that it’s time to do something else (regardless of how mean, kind or humorous the conversation is) is the worst betrayal he could ever imagine. When in doubt, don’t say it.


3. “My boss is so hot!” OR “Your friend is so funny!”

I know there’s a lot of room for individual preferences here and to be honest, no, not every guy is jealous or takes offense just because you say another man is attractive. But there are CERTAIN MEN who are off limits, just like you know, he’s most likely not going to say he’s attracted to your sister, mother or ex boyfriend(!).

If you sense that your man doesn’t like one of his “friends” (or shall we say acquaintance), or a boss at work, or your boss, or one of his friends who he seems to be jealous of, then it’s dangerous territory to suggest that person is attractive.

Because now you’re not just expressing attraction for someone else (usually not a big deal) but you’re picking at his insecurities. He feels jealous about these other men because of what they are, or what they have, that he doesn’t have.

If you sense there’s any jealousy there, there’s only one logical thing to do: tell him how lame this other guy is and agree with your man’s criticism of him. That’s going to flatter his ego and keep him in a good mood.


4. “Your penis is…”

Huge? Sexy? What you want so bad right now? If you have any creative adjectives other than that, think twice. Since most men are “average” in size, they are very weird when it comes to their girlfriends describing penis size, appearance, girth, or anything outside the area of “fantastic!”

Men who feel insecure about their penis size, don’t want to know if you think it’s smaller than average, or “average”, or funny looking or cute, or anything like that. Women actually don’t care that much about penis size, at least statistically speaking, but it always seems to be a touchy subject with men. (Pun intended!)


5. “Your mom (or dad) is annoying!”

There’s not much worse you can say to a man than insult his manhood—except of course for insulting his mom or dad (if they do in fact have a positive relationship). Even the roughest, toughest guy still has a soft spot for the person who raised him. Tread lightly and be careful about implying anything negative about his parents.

Even if he hates his father or has mother issues, it’s actually better to just listen to him rant about it and agree rather than bring up criticism yourself. Men are weird about parental criticism and the best idea is non-confrontational attitude

Sure it does feel like you can talk about ANYTHING with this man…anything but these five taboos!

Phrases Every Guy Wants To Hear At Least Once From A Woman

If you’re a FEMALE then this is going to be the most valuable
message you’ll ever see.

I want to reveal “Psychological Hidden Messages” that provoke any
man to feel so much ADDICTIVE LOVE that he’ll fall at your feet just
for a moment of your attention.

Go here now…

==> Discover the Phrases

I want you to participate in a fun little experiment…

Number 1- Listen very closely to the secret “Hidden Messages”
that I’ll share here.

Go here now…

==> Discover the Phrases

Trust me, it’ll excite you so much that you’ll watch this twice.

Number 2- Pick any man you desire. Even that man who
has bluntly rejected you.

Number 3- Use these “Hidden Messages” on him exactly as
described and notice how a sudden avalanche of desire
erupts inside him.

First his heart will start to race.

Next, his breathing will get faster.

And suddenly, he will experience a thousand different feelings
of PASSIONATE LOVE that makes him want to possess
you, capture you, and make you his forever and ever.

==> Discover the Phrases

These commands cause the male brain to release
something called norepinephrine…

Also known as the excitement hormone.

Have you ever seen lovers who are so head over heels
into each other that they talk all night…

And can’t go without a moment of longing to touch
or see one another?

That’s because they’re high on this very hormone.

It leads to a special kind of “LOVESICKNESS” where a
man’s imagination just can’t rest…

And he falls neck deep in love with whoever happens to be
nearby when this hormone is circling his body.

Try this on any man of your choice right now, follow this

==> Discover the Phrases

Talk soon,

P.S.  Learn the “Psychological Hidden Messages” that provoke any
man to feel so much ADDICTIVE LOVE that he’ll fall at your feet just
for a moment of your attention.

These commands cause the male brain to release
something called norepinephrine…

Also known as the excitement hormone.

==> Discover the Phrases