At Lady-Zone.bolg, we hold your trust in the highest regard, which is why we offer a 60-Day, No Hassle, No-Questions-Asked Satisfaction Guarantee on all of our products.

If at any time within the 60 Day return period you feel dissatisfied with your purchase, simply contact us at, and we will happily refund 100% of the purchase price.

Since there is no product to return, you don’t have to send anything back to get your refund – no shipping costs, no trips to the post office, it really is 100% risk-free. We appreciate your business, and your success is important to us.

When contacting us for a refund, please include the Clickbank order number that was sent to you in your e-mail receipt. While we are able to process refunds without this information, it makes the process much easier. Thank you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our 60-Day Guarantee does not apply to ebooks sold through, iTunes, or Barnes & Noble. We will work with you to attempt to resolve any issues that arise with these retailers, but we do not control their return policies and may be unable to refund your purchase.