

"Look what you did to my dick, Karla!"

James sighed with the heartbreaking melancholy of a young child whose beloved GI Joes have been destroyed by the sun.

When I first saw his penis, which was tall, thick, and extremely hard, I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. All thanks to me...


After what I had unknowingly done to him?

It now appeared to be a scene from a Japanese horror film. He was so sensitive, red, and beaten that he walked like a cowboy with saddle sores, grunting with each step.

This gorgeous man was suffering. and I was entirely to blame.

An hour earlier, as I undid his pants, I had meowed coyly,

"Just a Handjob, Mister,"

the ideal cap to an ideal first date.

"Just some handwork,"

He agreed, and his smile made me feel so protected and appreciated that I thought maybe, just maybe, he was "The One" after all.

No of how badly I wanted to,

I wouldn't sleep with him on our first date.

I liked him too much to take the chance that he would think I was a "slut" or "easy"...

Yet I was confident that I could make him feel wonderful, win his approval, and make him want to see me again.

After all, all of my ex-boyfriends had consistently complimented me on my "excellent" handjobs.

(Furthermore, I didn't realize how frequently men lie about it back then. or the reasons they believe they must.)

I inhaled deeply. I ran my fingers through the magnificent chest hair he had. I took hold of him with my small hands, as my ex-boyfriend liked it...

I visualized the amazing pleasure I was providing to this strong, manly man. I thought I was enticing him to adore me.

How he swore he would never again let a girl to touch his "cucumber"

I quickened, savoring the power. I could feel his strong jaw clenching and his stomach clenching.

His eyes were tightly closed, as though he were concentrating or riding a roller coaster while clinging on for dear life.

But then, unexpectedly, instead of bursting into a joyful orgasm as I had hoped...


He drew back from me on the bed and...

He murmured in a shaky voice, "I've got to go to the bathroom..."

I waited for five full minutes, wondering what was wrong. I was unsure if he still liked me.

When he revealed what I had done to him,

This handsome and powerful man had tears in his eyes

The next thing I knew, I was sobbing furiously all over my steering wheel in my car.

I was aware that I would never learn if he was "The One."

I knew he would never want to even see me again after the way I hurt him (even though I believed I was doing everything right).

I tried not to text him that evening as I laid in bed.

Struggling not to say sorry once more...

I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't this monster that harmed penises and hated men.

I truly believed I was doing it right because every boyfriend I’d ever had said they “loved” my handjobs…

I wanted to justify myself and beg him to take me out again even though I knew he would never want to see or even touch me again.

All through the night, I tossed and turned in my sleep as I imagined him telling his buddies about the woman who "destroyed his dick." I was contemplating the fact that I would never have another opportunity to experience the growing connection we had.

I could only do one of three things as I lay there looking at the ceiling cracks, feeling ashamed, bewildered, and embarrassed...

1. I could deny that anything ever occurred...

Hide my head in the sand, act as though James was "strange," and insist that I didn't really give terrible handjobs after all.

2. I could very well give up...

And develop the fear of "doing it incorrectly" to the point where I'm one of those ladies who has a panic attack at the mere thought of touching a guy. someone who believes that I am a bad woman because I don't know how to touch a man organically...

Or I could make the choice I did…


The truth that for ages, men have been frightened to tell women...

The truth regarding men's bodies

The real secret to satisfying a man sexually...

The real reason why, while inwardly they are screaming in agony and pleading with you to stop, men clench their teeth and remark, "That feels amazing," to women...

The next day, I fired up my laptop eager to learn something new.

But I rapidly became impatient...

Then furious...

I could only find vague instructions regarding "using plenty of lubrication" all over the internet.

And forums crowded with angry men complaining about the brutal, terrible, and excruciating handjobs they had received from numerous women...

Size 18


(I don't have a dick of my own, after all...)

And because these individuals were too afraid to tell us, we had no idea we were performing such a "poor" job.

When I was conversing with a guy named Matthew, I questioned why more men didn't just speak up and say anything.

Why did Chris, Andrew, Ben, and all of my other ex-boyfriends LIE to me and make me think I provided "excellent" handjobs?

Matthew simply laughed at me...

"Karla, your ex-boyfriends lied to you because they knew that if they said anything, YOU would make it all about you, just like every woman!"

"Every guy knows if we ever tell you the truth about how awful most women are at giving handjobs, you would freak out, feel awful about yourself and, probably never touch our dicks again."

"We men then? Because pretending to enjoy a bad handjob is much better than watching you cry and being forced into celibacy."

When I saw Matthew's remarks on my screen, I got sick.

Sick but FIRM...

And on the spot, I made the decision...


Even if the guys were too afraid to tell us.

The following few months were a flurry of insights as I developed into a "handjob detective."

I learnt why some regions of the penis are more sensitive on some individuals than others after studying the male anatomy and the various penis sections.

And how to covertly "test" a man to determine just how much pressure he prefers...

I dissected and examined each stroke and technique in popular pornstars' handjob videos.

(And quickly learned that trying to use the same approach to every guy was a recipe for failure because every person is different.)

I located a gay "handjob king" known as "Magic Fingers" through a forum.

He taught me things about male gratification that I'm not even allowed to discuss in this letter.

But I can assure you that they gave me a flush and helped me comprehend what it's like to be a guy sexually in a way I had never imagined before...

I was utterly terrified to do it.

But I also visited a massage shop (one of those that specializes in "happy endings") for a massage.

When "Jenny" noticed a woman seated on her massage table in her underwear, she was perplexed.

But when I took a stiff cucumber out of my purse, she was only too pleased to show me the guaranteed 2-minute orgasm method.

I looked into the Kama Sutra and other old sensual literature in an effort to learn everything women had learned about how to please a man.

I even scheduled a consultation with a prostate specialist so that he could explain to me in precise medical terms how the penis feels and just how delicate every part of a guy is.

After having my thoughts jumbled, I finally began to write

I got down in front of my computer and condensed all that I had learnt and discovered into...


That would make even the most stoic man go completely bonkers with love and pleasure...

As I thumbed through the finished document, a fire ran through my entire body, and my cheeks began to flush with pride... I’d done it.

I had accomplished something no woman had ever done before...


I had written this amazing manual about a man's tenderest side.

A manual I wished my mother had given me when I graduated from high school...

I then I called James...

It's understandable that he was initially hesitant...


However, he granted me a second chance when I described what I had been doing over the previous three months.

When I reached my hand inside his pants, he shivered, bracing himself for the discomfort.

Then, though, I employed the fluttering dove technique I had picked up at the massage parlor, and I grinned with delight as all the stress left his face.

His eyes were shut.

A broad smile of contentment then appeared on his lips.

I apologized to James in the best way I knew how over the course of the following hour, using everything I had learned...

By giving him access to unfathomable male joy...

I forced him to go beyond his comfort zone...

showed him what a true masculine multiple orgasm feels like...

I made fun of him and teased him, completely certain that what I was doing was the "right" thing...

And I experienced something I had never genuinely felt before with a man...

Pure, sexual, feminine


He was lying there after I was done, so gentle, alert, and at ease.

And had eyes that I had always dreamed I could see in a man when he looked at me.



He then drew my lips to his.

said "thank you" repeatedly in between kisses...

And I understood that if I wanted it, I would have the opportunity to learn whether he was really "The One" after all.

I came to the realization that I had learned more than just "how to give a man pleasure" as our connection and love deepened.

My mother once said, "Women need to feel connected to have sex, and men need to have sex to feel connected"...

And I now understood how accurate she was.

When James discovered these truths, he became dependent on me.

Willing to do anything to make me happy…

When I first started sharing my little "Handjob Handbook" with my pals, I didn't think it was a huge issue...


Shonda, my sister, vowed loyalty to The Tantalizing Twister...

My former roommate Ally learned that her partner was a fan of the "Mr. Spock Technique"

Sara, my best friend, is a high achiever. She committed every move to memory.

Mark, her spouse, decided to stop porn and masturbating after hearing what he stated.

"All I can think about when I try to jerk off is how much better you are at this than I am..."

During her pregnancy, my neighbor Cris was frightened that her husband would no longer find her appealing on the inside.

No matter how hormonal the pregnancy made her, she employed The Tip Swirl to keep him content and anxious to go out and have her ice cream.

Then, everything started to spiral out of control.

I got this odd cult following here.

Friends and family, from 22-year-old girls to recent divorcees in their 70s... Even my MOM, with whom I refused to discuss ANY of this, began to employ my methods.

They also gushed about how dedicated and attentive their boyfriends had grown to be.

What I was teaching all these women eventually came to be known as "Stroke of Pleasure" somewhere along the line. The name stayed, too.

Simply because it is what it is.

Any woman may become a "handjob genius" with this easy technique, regardless of how conservative, inexperienced, or shy she is.

With ever having to remove her clothing, she is prepared to truly satisfy any man...

Which brings us to the present and your development into a "handjob genius" as well...

Are you prepared to experience what it's like to


To be regarded not only with love but also with WORSHIP?

To possess such a great power?

To have a man who is actually present with you. In his head, no. not averting his gaze. not considering another person. But for as long as you want, 100% totally focused on YOU?

If you’re still here, we both know the answer is “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Stroke of Pleasure

The outcome of more than a year's worth of surprisingly demanding effort, including testing, creating, and conducting interviews...

I worked so that you wouldn't have to...

See, even though they may appear goofy at first, handjobs are really serious when it comes to giving you the sexual and romantic fulfillment you so desperately crave...


Because sexually satisfied men are FAITHFUL

Because sexually satisfied men are GIVING

Because sexually satisfied men are ROMANTIC

And after countless hours of effort, trial-and-error with myself, distribution to ladies between the ages of 18 and 80, and hearing their incredible, impassioned, ecstatic feedback...

It's time for you to genuinely feel this power and confidence for yourself...

Here's exactly what you'll learn and how your life will change, when I give you access to Stroke of Pleasure today...

The Six Secret Phases of a great handjob, which all men instinctively know but which women can only speculate about...

The process of male arousal and release is clearly explained in these 6 straightforward steps...

Give you a sexual superpower: the capacity to induce in any guy the most intense growling, roaring, back-arching, toe-curling orgasm of his life in just two short minutes. Lay down a roadmap to his guaranteed great pleasure and loyalty.

Or, if you're feeling very cunning, you'll be able to elicit his delight, grateful amazement, and excruciating desperation.

For at least two hours!

Internally giggling as he twitches and writhes in response to your touch, till he looks at you in disbelief at the complete control you have over his body despite his best efforts to remain silent...

As he falls to the bed or floor, he roars like an animal and arches his back and neck as every muscle in his body spasms.

For the first time in his life, he genuinely offers himself to a woman—to you.

Is your partner spending more time with masturbation or porn than he is with you sharing erotic reality?

I'll teach you the "Masturbation Escape Plan" Technique...

Even the biggest porn "addict" to decide to permanently give up self-indulgence...

Because despite his best efforts, he simply is unable to give himself even 1/1000th the pleasure he receives from you...

What if he refuses to "let you" give him a handjob, paws at your pants, and tries to have sex with you right away?

Since you can't really hold him there till you finish,

But don't worry, you'll use something much, much stronger than muscle to ensure that he unwinds and gives you control.

The "Hands Off Handjob Agreement" is what I call it...

And the "contract" you'll ask him to sign makes use of hypnotic language and male psychological cues.

For the first time in his life, to let him simply enjoy your company while experiencing complete psychological safety.


The largest variety of handjob techniques ever assembled, each elegantly illustrated and explained!

You'll discover astounding new ways to please your partner, from Tantra to sensual media to ancient techniques created by the Egyptians and Greeks.

You'll Discover...

The technique known as "Kiss of the Fingernails"

...which barely touches him and instantly causes a throbbing, immediate erection.

(I like to quietly use this technique when we're out at a party or a restaurant; I have him stand with a coat in front of him and count down the minutes until I take him home and finish the job.)

You'll discover the

"Tantalizing Twister"

Which gives even a "tough guy" the impression that he has been transported to orgasmic Oz by a tornado.

"The Tip Swirl"

How EXACTLY to touch his delicate glans to ignite heat throughout his entire body...

Do you believe that a man must be "rock hard" to be fully aroused?

You could hardly be more mistaken... In other circumstances, in fact, the absence of an erection may indicate that a man is even more passionately aroused.

I'll reveal the technique to you.

"Soft Pleasure Method"

...and how to make a man squirm, gasp, and feel like his skin is on fire without ever getting even the slightest bit "hard".

The "Rub-A-Tug" Approach...

Why most women err by ignoring the testicles...

And how to apply just the right amount of pressure while softly (or not so gently) pulling on his balls to instantly heighten his enjoyment...

"Two Hands on the Wheel"

Even the "toughest" man cannot withstand for longer than 35 seconds (although I am sure he will try because it feels so fantastic)...


Okay, this following portion makes a lot of ladies uncomfortable at first (I know I did)...

However, I can assure you that the expression on his face when you use it will be completely worth it.

Since I'll show you how to utilize the "Prostate Percolator" to rub and tickle his prostate, you may introduce him to new heights of manly pleasure without ever having to even consider touching his butt...

Does your partner struggle with premature ejaculation?

You can instantly put a "pause button" on his orgasm by using the "Scaling The Mountain" technique... You squeal with delight as his penis twitches and almost REACHES for your vanishing hand...

When I first tried this on my boyfriend, I couldn't stop laughing as he began to PULSE and TWITCH while saying, "Karla, I hate you," with clenched teeth and a tender smile...

Did you know that guys can also experience several orgasms?

You'll employ "The Accordion Technique" to induce a "mini orgasm" without ejaculation in him.

And even though he didn't "come," I'll show you how to multiply and "build" these "small explosions" until he's worn out, drenched in sweat, and cuddling up to you like a very contented and well-fed Alpha Wolf.

Incredible: Have you ever wanted to do more than simply "touch his dick" for him?

I've always been annoyed by how few guys understand sensuality, so I was thrilled to learn that...

You can hypnotize him using the "Full Body Hand Job" method to persuade him that his WHOLE BODY is an extension of his penis...

Once you learn this easy trick, you won't believe the pleasure and power you can exert over a man by simply tickling his elbow.

You'll want him to stay tough for a LONG time because there are so many techniques (and ways to play with your man)...

I'm going to teach you the "Piano Man" technique because of this. You can play with your favorite toy for as long as you like by using a certain rhythmic pattern with your fingers to instantly return him to stiff, nearly unbearable hardness.

I know it's crazy, but I haven't even touched on the advanced methods, strokes, and tactics.

"The Firestarter," which amplifies the power of his orgasm and creates sexual heat deep inside his belly...

The "Victoria's Secret Handjob" and how to use your bra to psychologically enslave him to you...

The "Nook and Cranny" technique, which has made hundreds of men cry, ensures that you will be included in all of his future sensual fantasies (even if you never see him again).

WARNING: You must have a strong resolve to use the "Nook And Cranny" Method. Use this method ONLY if you ARE CONFIDENT that you can maintain control of yourself or if you are prepared and eager to turn a "handjob" into full-on sex.

He has never had this kind of virtually "alien" sensation before thanks to the "Dr. Spock" Technique (and has never been able to replicate it on himself).

"No Hands Handjob"... I know that seems "weird," but when you see the intense NEED in his eyes, you'll understand exactly how powerful this is.

And so much, much more...

The ultimate handjob manual, "Stroke of Pleasure: The Ultimate Handjob Handbook," is the key to conquering a man's most intimate areas.

Can you feel that?

Your chest tightens as your heart races...

Having a dry mouth...

The seductive fire that is coursing through your body...

That intense curiosity to learn more... to have this kind of power over your man (or any man you choose)... to possess such power?

To genuinely have that special man ADDICTED to you, in body, mind, and soul...

To have him so appreciative that he begs for YOU to please...

And provide you with the interest and pleasure you've been craving for years...?


Being truthful to oneself

How much is having everything I just mentioned at the tip of your fingers worth to you?

To offer him such unimaginable, earth-shattering pleasure that he starts to think of his penis as YOUR penis all of a sudden...

Considering that you are the only woman he has ever felt this way towards...?

How much is it worth
to you
to be able to quickly and easily resolve practically any issue that arises in your relationship?

I'd rather not have you come down here...

But every day I see so many ladies suffering because


Women who engage in boring sex and lame passion impersonations...

They drudge their boyfriends or spouses to "couple's counseling" that costs THOUSANDS of dollars but accomplishes NOTHING to offer you the attention, connection, and pleasure you need.

Or women who lament being alone...

those who constantly worry about being duped...

Whose fear and lack of confidence in their sexual prowess only turns guys away...

The truth is that the women who master these remarkable sexual skills are the happiest, most contented women in the world.

And utilize them to arouse a man's intense desire, addiction, and connection so that he thinks about you constantly and fantasizes about methods to make you happy...

and would much rather castrate himself than even consider dating a different woman.

Women who are aware that the best route to a man's heart is through his pants zipper, not his stomach.

So consider that for a moment...

Keep that firmly in mind...

What amount do you believe "Stroke of Pleasure: The Ultimate Handjob Handbook" should cost?

If you're being truly honest, I guess you'd say it would be totally reasonable to spend $297 or more to unlock this sexual superpower within yourself.

(Hell, I bet you'd consider it inexpensive to never have to question whether you're "Doing it wrong" or whether he's "really enjoying himself" again.)


a woman who has dedicated her entire life to seeking "The One" and wishing for that genuine affection and connection...

And even when you know something is a TOTAL STEAL at the amount you're paying and you want it so much... You simply can't always provide for yourself as a woman.

That's why I'm about to do something risky here...

Not a danger to you...

But for me, it's a significant risk.

My life's work is to enable everyday women like you and myself to fully experience our feminine power.

And if completing that purpose means hurting my financial situation?

That’s just the way it is…

So, because you’ve given me some of your precious time, I’m not going to ask you to pay $297.

I’m not going to ask you to invest $197

Heck, I’m not even going to ask you to invest $97 (even though we both know it would be a STEAL at that price)

Nope, if you take action right now, I’ll take 62% Off that very reasonable price…

Simply click the button below and you’ll get the complete “Stroke of Pleasure” program for the discounted price of just $39

But you have to act right now.

I know what it’s like to hem and haw and “think about it”.

But I honestly don’t know if I should keep selling a system this robust and this powerful for just $39.

See, a lot of women have told me that $39 is just too cheap…

That giving away so much insight into the minds and bodies of men for such a cheap price is kind of idiotic…

If you’re still seeing this page it means I’m sticking to my guns.

However, it's entirely possible that I'll decide I need to increase the price.

Therefore, don't email me pleading for the cheaper price if "Stroke of Pleasure" is suddenly only available for $97 when you return.

There's nothing I can do to help you if you decide against it right now.

It would just not be fair.

And so to eliminate whatever rationale you might have for not treating yourself to this..

I’m going to back everything I’ve said up with a truly astonishing guarantee…


Purchase "Stroke of Pleasure: The Ultimate Handjob Handbook" at this time...

USE the information (Especially the images and advice from genuine males, everything is step-by-step and so easy to understand.)

Feel for yourself the entrancing erotic POWER.

If you don’t think the program is worth at least double what you’re paying today, just contact my customer service at any time in the next 60 days…

And we'll return every cent back to you as soon as we can.

Why am I giving so freely?

I want this for you because... I want you to feel this amazing connection, power, and pleasure.

I want you to experience what it's like to witness your boyfriend surprised, content, and uttering the most reverent, heartfelt "thank you" you've ever heard.

And if it means putting a little of myself out there to assist you? I'll be happy to carry it out.

And all you have to do is click the button below…

Okay, if you're still not sure...

Let me do one more thing to knock you off the log…

I'll try to make this simple for you.

I want you to know in your bones that you're receiving a great deal and should be proud of yourself...

That's why I’ve got 2 very special presents for you just for saying “Yes” to Stroke of Pleasure today…

I'd like to introduce you to my 50 Ways to Deepen Your Intimacy program right away...


50 Ways to Deepen Your Intimacy

50 tried-and-tested techniques that almost force your partner to immediately open up to you, spill his deepest secrets, and connect with you in a way you've always desired... but it was impossible to think.


Discreet Girl's Toy Cabinet

I understand that the world of sex toys might initially be somewhat terrifying, which is why I'm giving you my "Discreet Girl's Toy Cabinet" program as a next present.

Even the most shy woman can experience a whole new universe of pleasure thanks to it...

With your special discount you’ll get the complete “Stroke of Pleasure” program with tasteful illustrations showing you EXACTLY what to do for just $39…

We already agreed that "Stroke of Pleasure" alone is worth AT LEAST $97... Therefore, saving 60% is already a really good deal.

So let's total everything up so you can see for yourself what a fantastic deal you're getting.

But then you’re also getting 50 Ways to Deepen Your Intimacy and the astonishing Discreet Girl's Toy Cabinet...

You can’t buy these special gifts anywhere but right here… but if you could, each gift would sell for much, much more by itself too…

If you were checking out at the supermarket that would all add up to $388!

But using your special discount you’ll get EVERYTHING for Just $39

I don’t know about you, but if I was at the store and got $400 bucks worth of stuff for less than 40 bucks I’d feel like I won the lottery…

All you have to do to take advantage of this amazing deal is click the big button below right now…

Then fill in your payment details using a credit card, debit card or PayPal on the next page.

Once you do that you’ll get instant access to the program…

So you can access "Stroke of Pleasure" whenever you need it and wherever you want on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Click the button below right now…

Pay your discounted enrollment fee…

Consume the application and discover the insider information.

Use these amazing methods to give him extraordinary pleasure that exceeds his wildest expectations.

Feel what it's like to be the object of a man's true addiction...

Discover how much FUN you can have with a man, and watch all your concern about "not being sexy" or "doing it right" melt away.

Feel a level of sexy confidence that fills every cell of your body…

You’re going to be amazed at the change in your life once you learn this…

How, despite the fact that you are older than 22, you seem to be walking around with a lot more sexual confidence.

How any guy who feels your hands on him falls head over heels in love with you...

Infatuated with you…

I've had a feeling for you that is so incredibly close to love and even worship since the first stroke...

If you're like most women, you'll find it difficult to suppress your silly grin.

Keeping your eyes from having that happy glitter...

Okay, it’s time to take action

You’re at a crossroads right now, and you really only have two very different options, leading to two very different lives…

Option 1 is to leave this page without enrolling in the program…

I think you already know what will happen if you do this…

That heavy feeling in your heart.

That sense that you made a mistake, didn’t take an opportunity you wanted so much…

That widening gap between you and men.

You don’t want that…

Which is why you should seriously consider taking road number two.


Click the button, enter your payment information right now before life gets in the way and grab the “Stroke of Pleasure” program…

Get EVERYTHING I’ve talked about in this page…

Learn how to create an incredible emotional and sexual connection with a man in this astonishingly powerful and simple way…

With my 60 day Guarantee you’re risking nothing…

And with this special discount you’re getting over 60% OFF…

Let me leave you with one final lesson…

Do you know what men find irresistibly attractive in women?


The ability to see something you want (and you can feel you want this so much)…

And go after it.

If you feel like there’s a canyon between you and men…

If you aren’t getting your emotional and physical needs so much more than met…

Just make a tiny, easy decision right now…

I’ve unlocked the door.

All you have to do is walk through it.

I hope you understand that I’ve stacked the deck so much in your favor that you can’t lose.

Actually there is one way you can lose…

By walking away from this wonderful opportunity…

But you’ve suffered and craved real passion long enough…

Just click the button below…

I can assure you that you will be glad you did.

I'm Karla once more, and I look forward to learning about your success.