This one sexual skill is the key to keeping a man faithful
OK, this might be a little weird but I have a VERY important question for you today . . .
A question I got asked by this amazing woman named “Cassidy Lyon and that I knew I HAD to pass on to you as well . . .
Are you ready?
OK, here it is: “If you could be a fly on the wall and hear every guy you’ve ever slept with HONESTLY rate how you were in bed, would you want to hear it?”
Tough question, huh? See, I was talking to Cassidy and she told me about something called “Illusory Superiority” . . .
I’m not going to get technical, but the idea is that we as humans tend to GROSSLY overestimate our skills and abilities in things we actually aren’t that good at . . .
For instance, they did a study once where they asked a whole bunch of people if they thought they were “above average” drivers” and a whopping 93% of people said they were (which . . . uhh . . . is weird because only 49% of them could actually be above average.)
What does this have to do with SEX and you being a FLY on the WALL??
Well, EVERYTHING actually . . .
Because my friend Cassidy Lyon just spent the last SIX MONTHS doing a bunch of research on one particular EXTREMELY IMPORTANT sexual skill . . .
And she found out that OVERWHELMINGLY woman after woman after woman MASSIVELY overestimated their ability to give a man pleasure this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT WAY . . .
(A way so important many men say they would rather be with a woman who knew how to do THIS than with a sex pot “supermodel” who didn’t) . . .
WHAT is this incredible sexual skill?
And HOW do you learn to be GREAT at it?
Well, you can find out all of that (and a whole lot more) by stopping whatever you’re doing and watching this video right now . . .
It’s by Cassidy and it’s . . . well it starts off with one of the most incredible and horrifying (and maybe humiliating) stories I’ve ever heard a woman tell in public . . .
And ends with . . . it ends with her changing the lives of THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of women (and THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of VERY happy men.)
Seriously, this is an amazing video that is way more worth your time than asking your guy what he “wants” (because we both know he will NEVER tell you) . . .
Talk soon,
P.S. This one sexual skill is the key to keeping a man faithful, devoted and YOURS (sexually and otherwise) forever . . .
Do you know what it is? If you don’t, why haven’t you gone to watch the video yet?