Be careful sending this text to a man

Don't send this dangerous text to a man unless you want him to get a little obsessed...

Hey it's Ryan.

Before we get into our Relationship Quick Tip for today... If you're curious what text could make a man become romantically obsessed with you, then please help me thank our sponsor by checking out this quick message.

Talk soon,

Hi, I'm Alex,

And I'm about to show you a DANGEROUS text that you really only want to send to guy...

...if you are READY for him to fall head over heels for you like love-sick, high school crush.

Just one TEXT and even a guy who blew you off before can become obsessed and won't have the willpower to stop himself from chasing you.

==> Discover it HERE

The text might appear a little silly at first...

But the reason it works is it pumps up a man's adrenaline, urging him to keep chasing you over and over.

This will even work when he is currently obsessing over another woman...

Because it immediately awakens a fresh enthusiasm of DEEP LOVE for you that'll make him completely forget other women.

And every bone in his body will be aching to earn your heart in ways you've only see in movies.

If you haven't seen this yet then this is going to be a game changer for your relationship.

==> Dangerous Text - Are You Sure You Want Him To Chase You This Hard?

See you soon.

-Alex Quick Tip Of The Day


This May Be Why Men Don’t Respond to Your Dating Profile...

Did you use the right profile pictures? Work to make sure your personality shines through? Clearly define what you want in a mate?

Well, guess what? According to new research, none of that may matter if you have -- wait for it -- typos!

Yes, that’s right. The study found that people get turned off by grammar and spelling errors.

They associate these issues with lower intelligence and lower attentiveness. Both of which result in reduced attractiveness scores.

The lesson?

Those factors mentioned at the top of this nugget are important. But if your profile is riddled with typos, it might nullify much of the effect.

Before you make your profile live, make sure you proofread. Better yet, have a friend or two take a look.


- Ryan

==> Powerful Attraction Text - Use At Your Own Risk