
Thank you for requesting "40 Fun Texts Men Absolutely Love" Report!

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IMPORTANT: Before you go and check your inbox you need to see this first...

Because now that you have 40 Fun Texts that will create an immediate spark with a men...

I want to show you how to put these resources to good use!

Specifically... I want to give you:

Sexy Texts Cheat Sheet

Here is how you can get his attention, love and desire, by using Easy Done for You Texts Messages… without the fear of rejection!

Here is how it usually starts: Flirting, texting, restaurants, amazing sex, several hours talks, flowers…for a while …Then as time passes by all these magical moments start to occur less and less frequently…it’s like the magic fades away and you have to put more and more efforts to get even noticed by the man you love…
If you are like most women, I know you have moments when you feel that way…

I Totally Understand…

This Is Not Your Fault!

Fact: “Romance” Means Very Different Things To Men Than It Does To Women

If you’re like most women, in your mind “Romance” means connection, communication, long evenings cuddled up together by a fire and slow, sensual lovemaking…

But even though guys CAN really enjoy that kind of evening (if you can get him to drop his guard for a while and feel like he’s earned it)…

In a Man’s Mind, Romance Is A “Game”

But when he “wins”, you both lose…

Plain and simple, us guys are hard wired deep in our genes to “hunt” and pursue women…

To whisper sweet nothings in your ears…

To do anything to make you swoon…

And to win your love and affection and claim you as our own…

What this means is that inside every man (even your man) there’s a…

Romantic Beast Just Waiting To Be Set Loose…

And since we want to help more and more women to help their men to “Release The Sexy Romantic Beast”, we have created a cookbook called:

The Ultimate Done For You Sexy Texts Cheat Sheet

Done For You Messages You Can Send Your Man Tonight

You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on dating, marriage & relationships, spend HOURS interviewing relationship coaches, watching TED talks, and actually go out in the field and DO this stuff like we have.


Read this simple 16 pages report that boils down everything we’ve learned about sexy texting into a 15 minute read and use the tested prewritten messages.

No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to get your man’s attention and pull him back in persuing romantic mode…

Here’s Just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover…

Quickies (starters and happy endings) Texts
"First this, then that" Texts
"Would you rather" Texts
"20 Sexy Questions" Texts
"Sexy Flashbacks" Texts
"The sensual adventure" Texts
Pure Sexting Messages
Examples of how to put it all together
…and soooo much more.

I Can’t Take Credit For The System

I consulted EVERYBODY (that I know) who is a successful relationship coach or an expert, I read everything available on the subject of romance, intimacy, relationship, marriage, texting, sexting… you name it!

And then I added my own personal experiences as well as the experience of our editorial team to develop this system…

Don’t let the size (just 16 pages) fool you. Over 1000 hours of research went into this project.

It is truly, the best of the best there is, and the system is simple and EASY to use so you can implement this information immediately.

Why Pioneers Get Scalped

There is an old saying “Pioneers get scalped but settlers prosper” Think about it, you go out and try this on your own.

Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is when you follow proven templates of dozens of “Pioneers” before you that made 1000 costly mistakes before getting the desired results?


Never again wondering on how to get started…
Never again wondering if he is ignoring your messages…
Him texting you back almost instantly…
You filling his body with the kind of nervous excitement that he felt when he first saw you…
You inciting the kind of ravenous desire that you only see in movies like 50 Shades of Grey…
You making him feel a burst of excitement and lust… You making him crave you and only you…
You making his heart burn with an intoxicating desire every time he thinks about you...
You attracting his attention no matter where he is, no matter how “busy” he is or how “addicted” to work he might seem…
You sending subtle shivers down his spine…
You multiplying the heat in your relationship…
You making your man feeling warm and romantic even on the iciest of days…
You draging his attention to you like a laser beam… and creating incredible intimacy…
You making him desperate to get you alone the minute he comes home…
You creating a better, more connected, more intimate, sexier and fun relationship with your man… Literally at the push of a button…

Here is the Real Proof

“BOY did he respond”

“Jst wanted to say thank you for the Sexy Texts CheatSheets. I have used them several times and BOY did he respond in a positive way. =-)”

- Lilly

“It Works!!”

“I did this on Wendesday after lunch. He textd me and called me the samenight. On Thursday (yesterday) he called and asked if he should book a room for us to spend the night together. Sounded really cheesy saying things that I normally would not say to a man BUT. . .THANKS Ryan, it works!!.”

- C.J.

“I love the way it makes me feel when he texts me back...”

“I love the way it makes me feel when he texts me back. I’ve been married for almost 9 years. The last few months have been a little rough, but things are getting better.”

- Susan, Clarksville

Converted him?

“My hsband has NEVER texted at all. He finally did! Not romantic yet, but one step at a time!!”

- beth

In the past we would wrap out these researches in a program and we would very easily sell it for $47 or even $97, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have it just for $7.


Literally, you can skip one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks and have “The Ultimate Done For You Sexy Texts Cheat Sheet” paid…

Why It’s Just $7

If you’re thinking “$7 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

$7 puts this information within the reach of every woman!
It weeds out the freebie-seekers. We only want serious women who take action, and in our experience charging anything…even if it’s just $7…gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads.
We don’t want everybody and his brother to use these texts, if this happened, the magic would rapidelly disappear…

We also believe that once you experience the thrill and the passion these texts can bring into your life, you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back, buy more of our paid programs 😊

But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want for only $7...

Is there a guarantee?

Yep…all our products have a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!

How long will it take to get access to this report?

You will get immediate access.

Your access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and there will be a brief explanation on the next page on you’ll access it.

Where is the catch then?

Time is Very Much "Of the Essence"... I can't stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.

Here is why:

I have a whole team waiting for bonuses… and a very hungry and persuasive marketing guy who keeps pressuring me not to give so much valuable information practically for a cup of coffee.

So, I’m not sure how long this discount will be available before we create a hight priced product using the information of this report.

And if you’re even a little interested in having these Done For You Sexy Texts for only $7 I encourage you to act now and click the button below…

WARNING: You Will Make Mistakes

A man who represents himself in court has a FOOL for a lawyer and we all know that people who don’t read the instructions SCREW things up.

Get help beforе you try to pull back your man the wrong way or you could screw up big time and when a full plan is only $7 Bucks, you’d be pretty silly not to grab it.

This TINY $7 report is the only thing standing between you and the better, more connected, more intimate, sexier and fun relationship with your man.

If you still need to justify the expense, just skip going to McDonald's for dinner once this week and it's paid for 😊

Talk soon,

Ryan Amiore

P.S. Remember, There is more real actionable information in this TINY report than you’ll get reading a dozen books, the messages in the report have worked for other women just like you, it’s 100% moneyback guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. It’s a no brainer especially on the price of $7...