40 Flirty Texts That Men Can't Resist

Hi, I’m Ryan,

And today I’m going to give you some text messages that will ignite a man’s desire and interest in you…

They’ll make him think about you, miss you, and even crave you…

If you’re struggling to know what to message a man, that’s what this document is for…

And today, I want to help you attract and keep the guy you want.

Have you ever had a crush on a man that you thought was unattainable? Have you ever felt a man losing interest and you weren’t really sure what to do about it?

Have you ever considered that maybe one of the best ways to connect and communicate with a man is through text messages? But texting is so detached, right? Wrong!

You do realize that texting IS the best thing that a smart, intelligent and beautiful woman has going for her, since texting IS, for all practical purposes, like dating.

You might even say that texting is more intimate than a dinner conversation. It’s more emotionally connecting than going to a rock concert. It is, in many ways, the most seductive way to seduce a man and then have him fall madly in love with you.


Just remember that texting is nothing more than the intimate sharing of thoughts. These words are actually thoughts, feelings, and observations that give us keen insight into who we are, and the person we’re talking to. Thoughts that we might not be so inclined to share in person.

You might even say texting is the closest thing to mind reading we have, short of visiting a psychic.

Now if you’re thinking to yourself, “Huh I’ve never personally been that turned on at a guy messaging me saying, “YO WHERE U AT?”

Or of course, my favorite, “EY WUT U WEARING?”

Of course not and that’s because a good 75 percent of the population doesn’t know how to write, or converse, or flirt, or build anticipation and attraction!

But you do. You’re intelligent, you’re seductive by nature and you understand the power of feminine attraction. If you’ve visited my website then you probably understand what I’m referring to.

Namely that men respond to women who are feminine, who like men to chase them, and who consistently challenge a man’s ego to try a little harder to wow them.

So with that said, together with your charming and beguiling personality, and with this medium of “texting” – a quick way to share thoughts and feed into each other’s passions and imaginations we’re going to have a lot of fun in this special report.

We’re going to cover 40 sexy, flirty and “magic” things to text to a man that are going to have him going crazy. Even if you think he’s not that into you right now, I assure you if you send him some of these texts, and better yet put your own personalized spin on it, we will start to see you in a different light.

Let’s organize each section of texts according to some fundamentals of how to connect with a man the right way with just one text thought.

1. Take extra time to make a unique post.

The best way to differentiate yourself from other girls and prove yourself the higher caliber woman, is to say something new and unique—unlike anything anyone else has texting him.

Most of his other girls usually wait for a man to text them, and they respond with just a few lines or maybe an LOL. This is your chance to shine by writing more than just a mindless “tweet” and actually say something that resembles a real life, flirty conversations.

I like some of these lines, since they (1) make him laugh, (2) catch him by surprise and (3) sort of indirectly imply that HE should ask YOU out.

For example…

(1)YOU: Would you rather game time. Would live in the past or live in the future?

HIM: Lol, that’s a tough one. Hmmm… (since he’s a guy you know he’s going to think it over) Probably the past, then maybe I can get rich like Biff in Back the Future.

YOU: Good point. Would you rather date Topanga from Boy Meets World or Pam from the Office?

HIM: Wow that is a tough one. I like them both!

YOU: Last one. Would you rather getting eaten by a lion…or would you rather hang out this weekend?

His Reply: Lol, definitely the second. Although if we went to the zoo, who knows.

YOU: Lolbetter stay away from the lion exhibit.

In this exchange, you captured his attention by playing a game. Then you showed him you were thinking about him. Great strategy if you already showed him you had a similar sense of humor in the first meeting.

(2)YOU: You know what I’ve been craving lately?

HIM: (Thinks to himself: Hopefully me!) No what?

YOU: Guacomole nachos. Thinking of trying out that new Mexican restaurant tonight.

HIM: That sounds awesome right about now. Want to meet up?

YOU: OK but you can’t have none of mine.

HIM: Lol, OK deal.

In this scenario, she immediately sends signals that she’s craving something, getting his attention. Then points his direction to a safe, platonic outing that just so happens to catch him when he’s hungry. Smart and not desperate because she has nothing to lose either way.

If you’re too intimidated to directly express a date or date-like evening with him then go for the groups approach.

(3)YOU: My friends and I are going bowling tomorrow. Need another “player” hehe

HIM: Really? Cool.

YOU: You could come if you want. If you’re not afraid of losing to me.

HIM: Oh it’s on!

If she really wants to toy with him she could even joke about him meeting some of her “friends”, making her curious as to whether SHE likes him as a friend or something more.

A far more conservative approach is to simply rehash the first conversation you had in an interesting and fun way. Most girls will not do this…he will be surprised you remembered every detail.

(4)YOU: So did you pass your certification exam? I’ve been dying to know.

HIM: YES! I did! Sooo relieved.

YOU: Awesome, because it was either electrician or modeling, right?

HIM: Lol, yeah or stripping. LOL j/k

YOU: Whoah

This may be the safest way to break the ice if you don’t feel like being bolder and heavily flirting right from the first text. You can always work your way up to it gradually, by simply rehashing what you remember from the first conversation. While you can tease him a little bit, always be “on his side” and be supportive of him.

(5)YOU: I’m seriously thinking of becoming a nun. Or a rock star. Definitely one or the other.

HIM: Hahah, nothing in between though?

YOU: No, in the middle is boring.

OR * I guess I should tell you now I have an identical twin sister. But she doesn’t like to be seen with me. So whenever you see me, you’re just never going to know who it is😉 (To let him know you’re joking)

Saying something funny is a sure way to get him to remember you. Don’t believe any advice that says men don’t like funny women or smart women. It’s not true. They’re just intimidated by women who seem condescending or think they’re “smarter than men.” Most men are actually tickled by a woman who likes to laugh and is bold enough to be funny rather than perfect.

2. Use his name and ask some interesting questions.

(6) Scott (or whatever his name is!), I want to throw an idea by you. I need a man’s opinion.

This is both a mystery and a compliment since it shows you value his opinion. Notice, you’re also building familiarity and the beginning of intimacy by using his first name. Don’t over-use it, but use it for special emphasis.

(7) Do you have any date from hell stories? Someone asked me that today and I figured Scott must have some doozies!

Teasing and kind of flirty without being too “in your face”, which can turn some men off.

(8) YOU: You seem unusually happy lately. I’m envious. What’s your secret?

HIM: Really? Yeah I suppose I got some good news…

YOU: Don’t keep me hanging, Scott.

HIM: Lol, didn’t know you cared.

YOU: I could tell by the smile on your face. Or should I say the smirk.

HIM: Smirk?! Hah maybe

Great way to tease him and get a response from him. Fun, mischievous but not aggressive.

(9) YOU: Hey GuacomoleJust wondering if you heard from Glenn. He was acting all weird and pouty on Facebook for some reason.

HIM: Huh, nope hadn’t heard from him. But that does seem like him, he’s such a weirdo!

While talking about other mutual friends is a safe conversation, an even better strategy is to nickname him something based on your first few experiences together. Make sure the name is humorous and not too “sweet”. It shows that you like him and yet kind of keep him at an arm’s length.

(10) YOU: Hey what did you think of Maslow’s Theory?

HIM: Whaaa?

I should mention that while it’s a great idea to just ask him his opinion on something you
both like, make damn sure he knows what you’re talking about! True, some men are
intellectuals and they may need to be “researched” a little.

The bigger point is of course, do NOT challenge him intellectually since he will take this
as a threat. Instead, challenge him in subtle and fun ways. Always make sure you
evoke his emotional response or his intellectual response.

But a much safer bet is to say:

YOU: Hey as a comic fan I have to know what you thought of Wonder Woman.

HIM: Omg, don’t get me started! We might have to talk on the phone for this.

YOU: Lol that much to say huh?

As you notice these are all OPEN ENDED questions and they are the best. Giving him
an opportunity to say YES or NO is a text flirt killer.

Let’s go forward in time a bit to right about the time you’ve met in person and connected
in a deep and sexy way. You haven’t had sex yet but he is definitely chasing you.

3. Gently push him away and make him bounce back right to you

Now is a good opportunity to up the “tease” and kind of gently, playfully push him away.
(Which of course makes him want to chase you more!)

(11) You are such a brat sometimes. Good thing you’re an amazing kisser.

(12) Gotta go. Be sure to drunk text me later because I’m curious to know how you
REALLY feel.

(13) Stop making me think about you. I’m way too busy to be this concerned with what
you think!

(14) Stop appearing in my sexual fantasies! Me and Cap’n Hook from Once Upon a
Time don’t appreciate your intruding.

(15) So I dreamed about you last night. It was a weird disturbing dream…might have to
ask a psychic what it meant.

(16) Stop thinking about me! Every time you think about me I can feel it! It’s like your
brains “tags” me or something. I got work to do, man.

(17) What’s the deal with threesomes? Is that like a thing all horny guys want?

(18) I used to have a totally innocent mind until YOU corrupted me! Now I can’t even
look at hot dogs or bananas without giggling.

(19) You want me to go where? I don’t know if I trust you enough to do that…or should
I say, trust myself around you.

(20) Scott…you are such an amazing and smart guy and yet you never fail to offend

Weeks have gone by. You love the dynamic of push and pull you’ve created. He wants
you and you only give him make out sessions, still waiting for him to give that extra
“oomph” in order for sex to happen.

That extra oomph usually refers to a moment of vulnerability, of intimacy in which the
two of you are “real” and make an emotional connection beyond flirting and joking.
There’s real emotion in the air, usually following a confession or talking about your
deepest thoughts and memories together.

Sex happens at some point, whenever you’re fairly sure he feels that emotional
connection that up until now, he hasn’t really discovered. (No, he doesn’t have to be in
love yet)

You both have a strong attraction. Now it’s time to escalate sexual tension. Make him
want it more so that he’ll be a little more obsessed with YOU and not just the sex that he
can get anywhere. It’s up to you whether to have sex or not, but either way, these lines
amount to slow torture…but he’ll love it.

4. Don’t just make him anticipate sex… give him a sext that stirs his emotions.

Make him feel, see and hear what you’re describing. That’s the best way to make a guy
OCD on your intense relationship.

(21) Guess what color bra I have on and I’ll send you a picture.

(22) There is no emoji for the dirty, terrible things I want to do to you, right now.

(23) I just want to hear the sounds of us together in bed. It would be loud for sure.

(24) I just got out of the shower. What should I put on? Short skirt or slutty dress?

(25) YOU: You wouldn’t even know what to do with me if you got me.

HIM: Oh you have no idea.

YOU: Then tell me. And don’t be shy.

(26) You need to come see me ASAP. You have no idea how badly I want you.

(27) I hope you slept well last night. I need you rested. Because I plan to wear you out.

(28) I’m thinking of three sexual fantasies so taboo I can’t even say them out loud.
Guess one of them and I’ll give it to you.

(29) I want to smell you in afterglow. I want to feel my head rubbing on your chest.

(30) I just want to see my dress and undies on the floor next to your bed.

(31) Why are you making me so crazy? I can’t stop thinking about what we did…about
what we’re going to do. You turn me on so much I can’t handle it.

(32) YOU: Oh, I’m a bad girl? Is that what you think?

HIM: I was just kidding.

YOU: Well if I’m such a bad girl maybe you should spank me. Tonight.

(33) Do you think a man can make love for 3 hours or is that just a myth?

(34) What I want to do: strip you out of those work clothes and cover your whole body
with kisses. What I need to do: get through this Monday afternoon. You better be on
later. I need to de-stress.

All great lines because as you can see, she gives him a sexual experience in words, by
summoning images, by recalling scents, sounds and feelings to his mind. Sexting is
one half evocative emotion and one half dirt vocabulary.

I’ll let you figure out the dirty talk on your own…but remember to make the experience
about what you and he FEEL.

5. After sex, continue to focus on emotional and passionate experiences—moments. Don’t stress him by talking about the future or about how the relationship has changed.

The dating period is still a trial period even after sex. Don’t rope him into a commitment.

After sex, and after you become officially an item, don’t fall into the trap of being overly sentimental or too controlling.

Let him ease his way over to a commitment, when he feels comfortable and when he
trusts you. He should begin gradually revealing more of his true nature in the following
weeks after you become exclusive or at least “an item for now”.

In the meantime, continue giving him what has worked so far. Vivid emotional
descriptions… not just about the physical itself but about the feelings of intimacy that are forming.

(35) I don’t know what I feel. I’m confused and yet am smiling all the time. But I crave it
more and more.

(36) I like it when you talk me to sleep. Feels like we’re in limbo. Or in a dream.

(37) I love wearing your t-shirts in the morning. They smell like you. Sexy.

(38) I’m glad I met you and took a chance, Scott. You reminded me how fun,
unpredictable and exciting life could be. (Great one here, because it indicates she’s
done…which makes him want her more. Remember focus on feelings, not the future)

(39) When I’m with you I feel like the most beautiful woman on earth.

Great line because it gives yourself value while also giving him credit for bringing out
your passion and your desire. And if you know you already drive him crazy for you
physically, why not use this line…

(40) When I’m with you I forget my boundaries. You bring out the bad girl in me.

Not just sexy but a subtle reminder that when he’s with you, he feels in control. He feels
like he’s leading in the relationship and he gets to keep his independent nature.

There aren’t too many rules in texting while dating, except that you learn to WAIT and
not keep texting him if he’s busy or stalling.

Texting reveals your true personality and his. Far from being just pointless chatter, it is
way of sharing your deepest thoughts.

You can ask questions, flirt, express desire and even hint at falling for him. (But of
course let him come out and say it first)

The real motivation behind texting is not to placate a man but rather to keep him
guessing. Challenge him while still being flirty and cheerful.

Once you cross that threshold sexually, the motivation changes. You want to keep him
coming back to you, building him an array of powerful emotional experiences.

As you can see, texting is better than a date. There aren’t as many rules of etiquette
and the imagination truly goes wild. Think of texting as “testing”. Test him in fun ways
and he will keep coming back to you. You will go beyond what other women do by
being a fun date. These text sessions ARE like dates so do a little homework and come

If you master the art of flirting with just thoughts, you will always be able to grab his
attention and soon enough, wrap him around your little finger.

Sexy Texts Cheat Sheet...

Here is how you can get his attention, love and desire, by using Easy Done for You Texts Messages… without the fear of rejection!

==> Learn more here!

Here’s Just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover…

  • Quickies (starters and happy endings) Texts
  • "First this, then that" Texts
  • "Would you rather" Texts
  • "20 Sexy Questions" Texts
  • "Sexy Flashbacks" Texts
  • "The sensual adventure" Texts
  • Pure Sexting Messages
  • Examples of how to put it all together

…and soooo much more.


==> Learn more here!


Talk soon,

P.S. No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information you need to get your man’s attention and pull him back in persuing romantic mode…

==> Learn more here!